Sunday, July 01, 2007

philo mania

Why I miss High School:
1. i never get tired. ever.
2. i don't have to walk such long distances.
3. i don't have to endure the lung-cancer-causing smoke of innumerable vehicles, which apparently don't use non-smoking gasoline, in taft avenue.
4. i have a lot of leisure time to spare.
5. most subjects are leisure time themselves.
6. i miss my friends. :|
7. i miss talking to Danielle.
8. i miss spending time with Darren.
9. i miss staying late in school.
10. i miss technology club meetings. LOL.

Why im starting to like college:
1. i have a new set of friends
2. i want to prove myself capable.
3. it is college, after all. my stepping stone to success. feeler. haha.
4. i can't think of anything else. XD

anyway, hope that list grows as time goes by.

*deeply immersed in philosophical, uhm, discussions with myself.*

Is being in love a state of mind? Meaning, if you think you're in love, then you are in love, or is it an independent sort of thing, meaning you are in love, even if you don't realize it yet?.

not that we're talking in class about that. we discuss stuff like is a thing important by virtue of itself, or does it become important only when one gives it importance?

my gosh. philo is starting to get to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

дяяя….старая темка, но ми тут нету^^ даже ежели не по картинкам воззриться))) нету и фсё^_^ [url=]строительные порталы екатеринбурга[/url]

5:40 AM  

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