Goals for this School Year
<>Win an interschool competition..wahahaha...taas grabe..=)
<>Retain an average of 90 an above for all quarters
<>Become highest pointer in at least 2 perodical exams, preferably in Science..(it's not a sin to dream big!=P)
<>Try not to be bored with teachers
<>Try to listen during lecture
<>Try to take down assignments so as not to forget them
<>Be less shy
<>Perform well during plays..etc..(dont think i can do that but..oh well..)
<>Do my 100% in everything
<>STUDY HARD!! hahaha
<>Try to cope with my math problems
<>Be more friendly
<>Be less judgmental
<>Know some of my classmates more
<>Get out of my box
<>Appreciate everything that happens to me..especially my friends..=)
<>Try not to stay so late in school
<>Pass my Chinese Subjects..>_<
<>Let crushes be inspirations..not hindrances..wahahaha
<>Find the good in everyone I know
<>Be more serious in studying
<>Think about what I want out of my life
<>Dont make enemies
<>Dont keep grudges
<>Appreciate teachers
<>Leave HS with a happy memory..
<>Stay optimistic about things